Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Romans and the Rhine

Yesterday we spent with Heidi, Dennis and family exploring the Roman castle of Saalburg. It was a castle at the northern most boarder of the Roman empire and was started around 32 ad or so. It was complete with bathhouses and over 90 wells. The border wall and moat were impressive as they went for miles.

Today we left our new friends in Frankfurt. They were a fun family and we enjoyed sharing experiences and comparing values and stories about raising children. Eric (the older boy) now says "Bingo" every time he sees a yellow vehicle - courtesy of Brian. As soon as we left town Dennis recived word my camera was found. He had already taken me shopping for a new camera so I am now the proud owner on 2 sony cameras.
Next we headed up the Rhine river. It was lots of fun with a castle around every coner. We had lunch in Bacharach which was a small walled town with 1/2 timbered (1/2 stone) houses. It was fun to wander around. Next we headed to the castle at Rheinfels. It had a wonderfull self guided tour that gave lots of opportunity to look down at the river and towns. The secound half of the tour spent a fair amount of time wandering around in the fortification tunnels. It was great fun, but dark and short. I don't think they were worried about height considerations when they built these castles. We are now at the Nurburgring and had dinner at the Nurburgring brewery. We may be her for a couple of days as this appears to quite simply be race car heaven


  1. Looks like lots of fun! Maddie is very excied about the new camera. She has her eye on it. 6 days left. Yeah!
    I know Brian is in heaven- driving fast and beer! Love you guys!

  2. What a kick. There is so much here I don't know what to say. I hope your mom got in a few licks with a cat-o'-nine tails while you were incapacitated in the stockade BG. It is simply fascinating and wonderful to just look at the pictures. There's hardly anything to relate to in the architecture although the kids and their parents look pretty standard. It's so good to see pictures of you both. It's gonna be so much better to see you in the flesh. I love you
