Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We made it!!!

The Lufthansa was VERY nice, moves and multipule meals. We still arived tired, but we made it.
We got all the way to the street that our hotel was on but didn't know where to go so we stopped in the BMW dealer that happend to be across the street to ask for directions.

The first car I saw displayed was an electric mini. We made it to the hotel tired but happy. The veiw from our hotel is a quant street with a ctiroen, Husqavarna, BMW car and motor cycle deal. The only decision is which one to see first!!!

So Brian is leaning out the hotel window naming the vehicles driving by: BMW, Peugot, Mercedes, VW, Mercedies, BMW 1 series. Same thing happened on the train ride from the airport! I'm looking at quaint barns and field and Brian's naming vehicles at the intersections! It's going to be a car trip for sure! G.


  1. Glad you are there safe and sound. Have a great time.
    Bob and Sherri

  2. 13 days and we will be there!! Have fun exploring. Love you guys!
